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  1. F

    Best vet explanation of how medication like prozac works

    @monk58 this reminds me of an article by a behavior vet that argues behavior meds are not a last resort. they’re not for all cases, but that you shouldn’t wait for chaos to ensue before considering:
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    9 month golden attacks me on walks

    @seal87 as a certified trainer, this is the answer. vet exam where you SPECIFICALLY look for neurological components or musculoskeletal pain and do a blood test for thyroid levels; if you haven’t told your vet about this issue, they’re not going to find anything/look for anything on a typical...
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    Y’all, don’t use easywalk harnesses!

    @tonygleim i’ve worked with hundreds of flight risk dogs who have failed to get out of the double clip setup in “whoops” moments, if that makes you feel any better! wishing you and your pup the best of luck on your training journey!
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    Y’all, don’t use easywalk harnesses!

    @tonygleim A photo of the double clip. The loop of the front-clip harness (like on an easy walk) is clipped to the collar loop at the same time; this is under the chin of my lab. edited to add: the “balance” harness is my favorite because it adjusts at six different points. they’re spendy but...
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    Y’all, don’t use easywalk harnesses!

    @tonygleim i’ll try to take a photo shortly when i get home! additionally, using a well-fitted martingale collar instead of a flat buckle collar WITH the double clip is as close to foolproof as it comes, in my opinion.
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    Y’all, don’t use easywalk harnesses!

    @jamesdb exactly. even poorly fitted, folks should double clip the leash to the front clip of the harness to the clip on the collar (same clip with both points); impossible to slip out of.
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    Transitioning to BAT 2.0 for a very frustrated greeter?

    @bootsandjeans i know that frustration! one additional thought is if you feel like he’s so quick to jump from 0 to 100 and can’t recover well post-reaction (especially alongside other concerns outside of reactivity) and can’t calm down, a med change/experimentation may be in order as a conduit...
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    Transitioning to BAT 2.0 for a very frustrated greeter?

    @bootsandjeans first of all, good on you for taking such big steps to help your pup! personally, i’ve never loved BAT for frustration (as opposed to fear) reactivity. i find it punishing, in the literal learning theory sense. that said, it’s worth giving it a try and if you find improvement...