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  1. M

    Second ACD- those who have two

    @rushamania We’ve typically had 3.. 2 at the moment. 2 dogs isn’t much more work than 1. ACD puppies are a lot of work, but well worth it imo.
  2. M

    ACD Weight, Food, Advice/thoughts appreciated

    @tiswell Just saw the pics… he’s super handsome! He’ll be happier and healthier if you can get some weight off of him. It’ll be easier on his joints as he gets older.
  3. M


    @jinsun Never… unless they roll in something awful.
  4. M

    ACD Weight, Food, Advice/thoughts appreciated

    @tiswell It sounds like you’re definitely over feeding him. I feed about 3/4 cup in the morning and 3/4 at dinner. My dogs are normal weight. You can always supplement with some canned pumpkin for volume if you think he’s not feeling full. Pumpkin is low in calories. Good luck!