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  1. J

    YoUr DoGs aRe OnLy NeUroTic BeCauSe YoU aRe

    @mauricio512 Exactly! You seem like a great owner and specially aware of the needs of your dogs breeds, which is super important! Parties and parks with dogs are so beautiful and fun, but is not for every dog. It’s not even for every sociable dog! You are totally right, we have to set them up...
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    YoUr DoGs aRe OnLy NeUroTic BeCauSe YoU aRe

    @mauricio512 I don’t agree with your father, at all. But I did notice I was having some pent up resentment lately and whenever I walked my girls (twice a day) I would be sort of grumpy. Yesterday I tried changing the tone a little, tried to be more happy and encouraging and they did waaay better...
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    Our guidance to House Visitors with our reactive dog. Yes we ask them to read before they come in

    @romans82 Yeah, the explanation made it easier for me hahaha! I have never encountered anyone that was too sensitive about dogs behavior, so I never had much issue with that. But it’s a great idea to have a small script written out for people to follow through
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    Our guidance to House Visitors with our reactive dog. Yes we ask them to read before they come in

    @patrickcen Thanks for explaining it better! It’s waaay clear for me now, yeah, in this case it seems simple and not a huge request. I saw the amount of steps and read them and was sort of confused, but you made it super clear and simple to understand I don’t think it’s that awkward to ask...
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    Update: I’m using a gentle leader it’s changing my life

    @theriz I was using one for my girl and kept reading about the harness with a clip in front, I knew it wouldn’t work so I was pretty resistant, but I got one and it’s amazing! So much easier to walk with them now. But for training the gentle leader is better, in my opinion
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    Our guidance to House Visitors with our reactive dog. Yes we ask them to read before they come in

    @romans82 Honest question: if he requires this many steps, isn’t it better to keep him away whenever someone comes to visit or avoid visits all together until he’s more ready? If you need help with training and such for him to get used to, it’s great to give this to a friend and ask for help...
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    Puppy broke out of her overnight crate and just… chilled unsupervised

    @brokenjoker That’s tough! I had a labrador that was like that hahaah, back then I didn’t know half of what I know now, but one thing that I still have trouble with is to get my mind off of things and restart. Even now, Aurora gets up super rambunctious because yaaay, new day! And she barks and...
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    Puppy broke out of her overnight crate and just… chilled unsupervised

    @pitcharan Hahaha, labs are a whole other deal 😂 Even with my dachshund I had to close a few doors and take out all the wires and charges from her reach, but she was chill. But Aurora is just really different, she never even chewed any of the chargers or cords. I started to put them all away...
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    Vent on rehoming

    @atheistinheaven Yeah, but what I mean is that, either way, both things can be identified in the first few weeks.
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    Puppy broke out of her overnight crate and just… chilled unsupervised

    @ecaush My puppy is 4 months now and she has been sleeping free since about a month ago. Never had any problems whatsoever, but I do put away most of her toys (specially the noisy ones) so she doesn’t bring them to bed and wake me and the puppy pads are available to her and my other dogs at all...
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    Vent on rehoming

    @christianboy123 That’s why test periods are important and should be done without judgment. If it’s not a fit, you can return the dog without much damage. But months afterwards I think it’s just a point that the problem is with the person and not necessarily the dog. After a few weeks you can...