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  1. B

    Why does my 7 year old German shepherd want to break free?

    @fisheroffish She has the chance to be inside anytime but she chooses not to. As I said, she sleeps inside and she decides what time she wants to come in (usually when the sun goes time and she wakes me up whenever she’s ready to start her day and go outside). Also, when she’s outside it doesn’t...
  2. B

    Why does my 7 year old German shepherd want to break free?

    @michaeltx She get at least one hour uninterrupted time when I do stuff with her (training, play, walk etc) and of course she gets attention throughout the day as well. My main concern is that she’s totally fine normally, and like I said she only does this periodically even though nothing...
  3. B

    Why does my 7 year old German shepherd want to break free?

    I have a 7 year old girl who every once in a while decides to dig a hole under the fence and run outside. I have a big yard so she’s outside all day and she’s inside the house during the night - this is what she’s used to, she needs her space to run around. I train and play with her, so I’m...