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  1. D

    My dog wants to go out every 2-3 hours

    Looking for some advice. My dog is 3 and I’ve had him for about 3 months (he’s a rescue). Hes a 30 lb terrier mix. He’s driving me crazy wanting to go out or looking for attention every 2-3 hours while I’m working. I live in an apartment and can’t take him to the dog park or daycare because...
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    my dog has started laying down on walks when we come across other leashed dogs… why?

    @tsw613 We’re super fortunate in that he doesn’t seem to get triggered inside the house. It’s really just outside when I either can’t predict them or realize too late. That’s super encouraging though, thank you!
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    my dog has started laying down on walks when we come across other leashed dogs… why?

    @tsw613 Wow, that is truly impressive.
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    my dog has started laying down on walks when we come across other leashed dogs… why?

    @tsw613 I don’t have a car. We are definitely getting better at learning which routes are “safe” though - either free of blind spots, which gives us enough time and distance to escape when a dog is near but not near enough for him to freak out, or low traffic in general. When you say that he...
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    my dog has started laying down on walks when we come across other leashed dogs… why?

    @robertm2000 This looks a lot like what my dog does, the difference being that he waits until the other dog is close and then starts to bark and lunge. I would say though that your dog’s body language looks less tense overall that my dog’s when he’s like this.
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    my dog has started laying down on walks when we come across other leashed dogs… why?

    @johnuaapple1 Normally at the point he’s laying down, even treats won’t catch his attention. He’s extremely food motivated usually. It’s frustrating because he used to (and sometimes still does) have issues with joggers and bikers, but we got to a point where I can treat him and get him to focus...
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    my dog has started laying down on walks when we come across other leashed dogs… why?

    @roberthill1964 I haven’t tried his ball because it just didn’t occur to me to bring a ball while he was leashed. But he does love that thing, even brings it to bed most nights… I’ll have to try it. Thank you!
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    my dog has started laying down on walks when we come across other leashed dogs… why?

    @janetq We’ll start working on that one, it sounds useful. Sometimes I get frustrated because I always put myself between him and other dogs to try to defuse the situation and he tries to get out in front of me again. I thought that meant he was a frustrated greeter but maybe it’s just his...
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    my dog has started laying down on walks when we come across other leashed dogs… why?

    @veroch It’s interesting because he’s been the opposite. He started with barking and lunging at other dogs and only now has started laying down. He still barks and lunges though, he just waits until they’re even closer.
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    my dog has started laying down on walks when we come across other leashed dogs… why?

    Can anyone explain why he’s doing this? For context, he’s always been pretty bad on the leash. I adopted him at 3 years old almost two months ago and we’ve made some progress. After a few weeks together he became possessive of me and reactive to other dogs and growls / barks / lunges at other...