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    Please keep Murphy in your thoughts ❤️

    @bluestealth Hey!! Thank you so much for taking the time to respond ❤️ our boy’s three seizures were just like that; the first two were when we were outside when he was excited (one was a walk passing an off leash dog playing, two was playing in our backyard) and it was hot outside. The third...
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    Please keep Murphy in your thoughts ❤️

    @chabot316 Thank you so much! We are going to get further testing a week from today at a specialty neurology office where they will be able to figure it out hopefully. We’re driving 3 hours round trip to take him, but he is so worth it ❤️I’m so glad your baby had some extra time with you! I hope...
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    Please keep Murphy in your thoughts ❤️

    @genxgirl I definitely will! ❤️
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    Please keep Murphy in your thoughts ❤️

    @genxgirl I feel you there! I haven’t been sleeping and I keep checking on him constantly. It really is terrifying :( Thank you so much; we are so lucky to have an amazing vet as well! Thank you for telling me he’ll be okay ❤️
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    Please keep Murphy in your thoughts ❤️

    @genxgirl Thank you so much ❤️ that is so inspiring to hear!! I’m glad your baby is doing so well. I truly appreciate your kind words ❤️
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    Please keep Murphy in your thoughts ❤️

    @1950 Thank you so much ❤️ they really are so scary. I was hoping it was a one-off thing, too. It’s just so awful. Hopefully we can get some peace of mind next week and everything will be okay
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    Please keep Murphy in your thoughts ❤️

    @elrefale Thank you so so much! He is the sweetest boy. Everyone who meets him comments about how sweet he is; he loves people. I appreciate that so much ❤️ Heeler hugs are the best haha!
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    Please keep Murphy in your thoughts ❤️

    @odzr Thank you! Yes his vet is skeptical it could be epilepsy for those same reasons. We’re on the east coast now, but I grew up in the southwest and he was born in Hawaii and we lived there until he was about 5. So who knows what it could be sigh I appreciate you taking the time to respond...
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    Please keep Murphy in your thoughts ❤️

    @odzr Oh wow! That’s crazy. I’m so glad your baby is doing better and I hope everything is fine as he goes off his meds! There really seem to be so many different reasons for seizures :( so scary
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    Please keep Murphy in your thoughts ❤️

    @jasonshores Thank you!! I will. He really is my soulmate and I am hoping so so much that it is and we will have many more years together. I appreciate your kind words so much ❤️ thank you!!
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    Please keep Murphy in your thoughts ❤️

    @crawfojo14 That’s what I need to remind myself of in the moment! It’s easy to get overcome with my feelings but he is the one that needs me. I do love him tremendously ❤️ I love him more than I love myself lol he has been with me through the brightest and darkest days. He is my comfort but I am...
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    Please keep Murphy in your thoughts ❤️

    @crawfojo14 Hey there!! Thank you so much for your thorough and caring response!! 🥰 He is temporarily on Keppra just to try to make sure he doesn’t have another seizure, and as of right now we are going to the neurologist to try to figure it out. I have pet insurance on him, but depending on...
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    Please keep Murphy in your thoughts ❤️

    @daniel924927 Thank you! ❤️ he is a total ham. The sweetest boy ever and I hope he’s okay too!
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    Please keep Murphy in your thoughts ❤️

    @daniel924927 I appreciate your reply! Right now we’re not sure if he’ll have to be on meds the rest of his life; this is just in the meantime until we can figure out (hopefully) what’s going on. I am a huge advocate of holistic medicine (although I always ask my vet before we try anything...
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    Please keep Murphy in your thoughts ❤️

    @adenna He is! The weird thing is he’s 10000% normal except the random seizures. They’re short too; 30 seconds or less. His normal vet prescribed him Keppra yesterday and so far so good. I appreciate you responding; that made me feel better actually. I’m glad your baby is okay, and thank...
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    Please keep Murphy in your thoughts ❤️

    My 9 year old baby Murphy had his first seizure on Easter this year. We took him to the ER and ran tons of tests and everything looked fine, except “slightly” elevated liver enzymes. He has never had any health issues in his life, and I rescued him when he was only 4 months old. We’ve been...