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    Puppies died during birth

    @jt935v My vets wouldn’t do a c-section unless it was an emergency and absolutely no other option
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    Puppies died during birth

    @michael33 Yes they’re standard size for chihuahuas
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    Puppies died during birth

    @michael33 She’s 2
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    Puppies died during birth

    @disciple777 Thank you very much for your advice I will proceed with getting her spayed
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    Puppies died during birth

    On Thursday at 64 days my chihuahua went into labour, she was bred to my male chihuahua and this was her first litter, we had her scanned and she was expecting 2 pups. I have had one litter before of 5 pups from a different mum but this labour was nothing like that and went horribly wrong. The...