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    Pea allergy? Cook your own dog food?

    @gavri Thanks for the suggestion. We’ve tried a few supplements before, but there always seems to be some thing in them that makes it worse. Unfortunately, looks like Forza10 has oat flour in it so that will not be for us. I am 100% sure that is an allergen. We can’t even wash him in the...
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    Pea allergy? Cook your own dog food?

    @sevilodorf I will look into a vet dermatologist, thanks for the suggestion! We’ve definitely been in the rotation long enough. 😅
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    Pea allergy? Cook your own dog food?

    @sevilodorf We did environmental testing through some blood work and the food allergies were identified via elimination. Not the peas, obviously, which is why I was questioning them since they seem to be the common/most recent ingredient change. Apoquel wasn’t as effective as the cytopoint but...
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    Pea allergy? Cook your own dog food?

    @dananglingson Ugh yes, we gave up dental treats ages ago. He even had a reaction to dried sweet potato treats which supposedly had no other ingredients but he isn’t bothered by sweet potato otherwise so either cross contamination or some other flavoring was involved. He tolerates a kangaroo...
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    Pea allergy? Cook your own dog food?

    @jannacks I think this is my next move. If that doesn’t work, then I’ll have to work with the vet supplement and cook food for him but I would much rather have the convenience of prepared dry food.
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    Pea allergy? Cook your own dog food?

    My dog has been allergic to chicken since he was a puppy, and gradually we realized he is also allergic to oats. He’s 11y this month and the allergies are mostly handled via cytopoint shots and avoiding food triggers. Still chronic ear infections, itchy skin, muzzle, paws but manageable. We hate...