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    I played firework noises for my dog from day 1, and I HIGHLY recommend it

    @kelland I wonder if that'll actually keep jackasses from doing them. Fingers crossed for you and the dogs.
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    Rescue dog is showing aggressive behavior all of a sudden, help :(

    @imagebeastmarkbeast As long as everyone follows the sub rules here, people have a right to comment when posts come up on their feed- regardless of their activity in subs you don't like.
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    Rescue dog is showing aggressive behavior all of a sudden, help :(

    @alex2017 FWIW, in shelter speak, "lab mix" is almost always code for "pit" or heavily pit mix. Pitties have earned their reputation as high-energy, "difficult" dogs (who when they go bad can go really bad) so it's prudent to err on the side of caution.
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    Rescue dog is showing aggressive behavior all of a sudden, help :(

    @prophetictimes Biased? It's true that pits are disproportionately responsible for reported bites, and that they were purpose-bred for first bull-baiting, then for dog-fighting. Importantly, they've been selectively bred to bite on, hold, and shake (like most terriers), so when they do bite they...
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    I played firework noises for my dog from day 1, and I HIGHLY recommend it

    @gringolobo Huh. I just played it for my cat who's tucked under my arm, and he looked at it for awhile before resuming his face-washing. Kitten noises though, always get my cats worried, and they have to check that there aren't any real kittens involved.
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    Rescue dog is showing aggressive behavior all of a sudden, help :(

    @1discipleofchristjesus Trazodone is in fact a mild sedative, that's why it "helps take the edge off."