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  1. V

    My puppy turned 6 months old yesterday- here’s what I wish I could tell myself when he first came home!

    @blmnky422 Yeahh adolescence is right around the corner so we’re putting more time into obedience and really drilling some things in. As long as he’s not how he was from December-February as a little baby I’m honestly all good😭
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    My puppy turned 6 months old yesterday- here’s what I wish I could tell myself when he first came home!

    @johonchezi 4- enforced naps are pretty much having to force your pup to nap usually by putting them in a crate. We did it on a one hour up, two hour down schedule for a while, and we had to do this because my pup would absolutely not settle down outside of his crate and be a complete menace...
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    My puppy turned 6 months old yesterday- here’s what I wish I could tell myself when he first came home!

    @peterjinyi Personally, what I feel helped my puppy be able to relax while alone was his separation training in the crate.. He knew crate was a relax/sleep area and didn’t have much to do in it so when we’d leave he’d really have no choice but to chill out or sleep.. Maybe going back to basics...
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    My puppy turned 6 months old yesterday- here’s what I wish I could tell myself when he first came home!

    @beamer I know!! I used to think I’d NEVER be able to cuddle with my guy because I couldn’t even pet his head without getting a cut on my hand. But now we have morning snuggles on the couch everyday! Validation from strangers can be so amazing too omg, the other day a lady pulled over and rolled...
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    My puppy turned 6 months old yesterday- here’s what I wish I could tell myself when he first came home!

    @sarahfisher Trust me I felt the same way!! But one day you’ll look back and realize how short that biting phase really was!!
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    My puppy turned 6 months old yesterday- here’s what I wish I could tell myself when he first came home!

    @brazilian Most pups are like that!! Mine literally started drawing blood on the car ride home, it was so bad😭Your pup will get there for sure!
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    My puppy turned 6 months old yesterday- here’s what I wish I could tell myself when he first came home!

    @noelchristensen One of the methods we used was redirecting mainly in the early stages. What worked more for us was making an ‘ah-ah’ sound and leaving the room for a few minutes. It gave puppy time to decompress and to also realize biting = playtime is over and the fun people are gone...
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    My puppy turned 6 months old yesterday- here’s what I wish I could tell myself when he first came home!

    @anjellamartine I’m so conflicted as to whether I’d get another puppy or not because mine was an actual demon at the start and an angel now😭😭Maybe an older dog instead next time
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    My puppy turned 6 months old yesterday- here’s what I wish I could tell myself when he first came home!

    @latestnews I struggle with depression and bpd too so it was super hard for me but I haven’t had an episode he hasn’t helped me out of for a while now because of my little guy. Hang in there and stay strong!
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    My puppy turned 6 months old yesterday- here’s what I wish I could tell myself when he first came home!

    @joshua_sime_nz To be completely honest I wish I hadn’t scrolled this subreddit 24/7 when I got my dog because I kept comparing my pups progress to others his age that people were posting and there were sooo many contradicting posts as to what was right/what was wrong. Too much information is...
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    My puppy turned 6 months old yesterday- here’s what I wish I could tell myself when he first came home!

    @introspectivemuse Yess!! I was worried I was being too selfish but a new puppy is a lot and I def used his enforced nap times to relax and have some time for myself.
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    My puppy turned 6 months old yesterday- here’s what I wish I could tell myself when he first came home!

    Time really does fly by. My little former landshark/pee machine/reactive/restless pup is half a year old. I can already see signs of adolescence popping up so I know we’re not completely in the clear but man is it 100x easier than when he was 8 weeks old! Here are some of the main things I wish...