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  1. D

    Is a #10 shave for convenience ok?

    @dtrpogod I used to have to do this! I'm a groomer now, but before I was I couldn't afford to get him groomed very often so I would shave him to a 7 and take him in when he got long again. As long as you're still brushing him in between grooms getting him that short won't hurt him
  2. D

    Petsmart or Animal Heaven?

    @meme3 They'll train you as a bather first, and the amount of support you get for that will help you figure out if you're happy with your salon leader
  3. D

    Petsmart or Animal Heaven?

    @meme3 I like PetSmart for learning, it gives you experience as well to put on your applications. I think it really depends on if your salon leader is good at training you, cause mine is great but I've heard stories about other salons