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  1. J

    Doodle owners: Why????

    @romanqueen1 My 7/10 doodles are named Bailey. I had two of them today xD
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    Concerns about my pups coat after a grooming fiasco

    @pixelneko I need to intercept here, OP, because elle_mactans is pretty much insulting a good majority of groomers. (the downvotes on elle_mactans comments speak for themselves) You're only getting this one groomer's side of the story here. Let's start at the beginning: Elle_mactans, are you...
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    New groomer looking for speed tips

    @evanga76 Both you and your co worker are right, it depends on the kennel model. In the event you have kennels with no grates or trays at all, then you're good with a towel for comfort and kennel dry as normal. If they have grates with or without trays, I firmly believe they should have...
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    New groomer looking for speed tips

    @joe14 Yayy glad to hear that you are getting faster already n.n
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    New groomer looking for speed tips

    @johnny1217 Ahh that's an interesting schedule that is new to me, you get a little bit of both worlds! That works too :3
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    New groomer looking for speed tips

    @johnny1217 I'd TL;DR this if I could, but it can't be shortened any further. Fluffy kitten is on point regarding time and practice, but even more so a development of routine. Pick a spot, go around in a circle, whether it's bathing, drying, or the haircut, and stick to it. Methodical...