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    Treating your dog BEFORE or AFTER the bark?

    @amarekanne It is super startling when they bark right at you! Also considering her age, maybe it’s just an adolescence thing? That she’ll hopefully grow out of soon!
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    Treating your dog BEFORE or AFTER the bark?

    @amarekanne Depending on the severity of her barking, we will say “No!” And she’ll quiet down. She’s a shiba inu so she rarely barks. Try giving yours a treat whenever shes just naturally quiet and relaxing. Like if she’s just lying there. Though I work from home, I didn’t want her to have...
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    Treating your dog BEFORE or AFTER the bark?

    @amarekanne I’m not an expert or know what’s the “one right way” but I give my puppy a treat if she’s quiet. If she’s barking, I wait till she’s quiet for at least a minute and then give her a treat. Also sometimes they hear things we don’t hear so they may alerting to that. For example, if the...
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    When did you feel comfortable leaving your dog unattended?

    @amarekanne I work from home and have a 3 month old shiba. When I’m working, I leave her alone unsupervised in her playpen for periods of 2-3 hours. I can still hear her, but I am not in eye shot. The worst she does is bark a little at first but then settles down. She usually just quietly does...