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  1. L

    Groomer shaved my dogs

    @mstyle00 I would say a slicker brush & a comb would be good for now. Don't go crazy with a slicker brush of course because you can scratch their skin if you brush too hard. The ones without the bubbles on the tips of the pins are more effective. There should be plenty of videos on youtube about...
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    Groomer shaved my dogs

    @mstyle00 Honestly, I don't know enough to give you a definitive answer. Some dogs I've seen that had their coat shaved have managed to bounce back after a few years, some are damaged. Just keep up on the brushing to make sure the undercoat doesn't matt up when it grows back. I'm sure some...
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    Groomer shaved my dogs

    @mstyle00 Um… Yes, PLEASE find a new groomer and leave a review. This was actually horrifying to read… I could never imagine leaving someone’s dog behind. I sure as shit would offer more than 3 baths if by some terrible miracle that happened! Make sure you brush them a lot as it grows back in...
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    [rant] You know who you are

    @chris_1989 Always with the fucking attitude too lol. We literally send people several upcoming appt text reminders so when people start their BS about not know when their appointment was I get the satisfaction of asking them to please pull up their text reminder so we can confirm we didn’t make...
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    oMg SHE’S so uGLy!! [rant]

    @cgb3928 Yes! Trust me I was dumbfounded when he said that to me. It made me kind of sad because it's pretty pathetic how he was more worried about other peoples opinions over his dogs comfort. It was matted and continues to be matted everywhere except the back which was the only place they...
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    oMg SHE’S so uGLy!! [rant]

    @cgb3928 Hit the nail on the head. I had a client once tell me "No one comes up to me and tells me my dog is cute when he's shaved..." Like seriously? Maybe you should brush your dog or bring it in more if you're so desperate for strangers attention. 🙄
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    Dumb, LONG vent

    @thematthew Poor things been failed since the moment it was born and will be used to make even more terrible babies, yay! /s