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  1. M

    Just experienced the most malicious, devious and personal attack on my own emotional well-being a dog has ever commited

    @moottheband Oh, that makes a lot more sense 💀 yeah fair! it can definitely be hard to read tones online unfortunately
  2. M

    Just experienced the most malicious, devious and personal attack on my own emotional well-being a dog has ever commited

    @moottheband sorry king youre right i should have considered if my tale of horror and strife would be funny to @moottheband i will delete the post in your honour, i deserve a thousand lashes for this. post my face on the town's notice board, i deserve pitchforks and flames for the felony of a...
  3. M

    My dog killed a dog today - absolutely devastated

    @abacus3000 I understand but all it takes is one incident for even more animals to die. This is a dog that was "perfectly fine!" until it just... wasn't. You can't risk the cat's lives like that, they're just as important except they don't even stand a chance to defend themselves :(
  4. M

    Just experienced the most malicious, devious and personal attack on my own emotional well-being a dog has ever commited

    was at my wit's end trying to figure out what flair to use if im honest
  5. M

    Just experienced the most malicious, devious and personal attack on my own emotional well-being a dog has ever commited

    @sweetone horrible. audibly sighed. stared at my screen for a solid 5 seconds. exactly the joke my grandfather would have made. 10/10 it's great good work
  6. M

    Just experienced the most malicious, devious and personal attack on my own emotional well-being a dog has ever commited

    @barlean that could work! but the garden setup is super weird, that would end up being more hassle than it's worth unfortunately. the tomato plant blood was definitely on my hands for not watching her more closely in the garden! we've had no more casualties (plants, that is, pawprints and...
  7. M

    Just experienced the most malicious, devious and personal attack on my own emotional well-being a dog has ever commited

    @burnemdawg you're not wrong! although she has some... strong ideas about landscaping if her slaughtering of my mother's tomato plants are anything to go by
  8. M

    Just experienced the most malicious, devious and personal attack on my own emotional well-being a dog has ever commited

    So we're out on this really nice forest walk, right? New path, super wild area, pretty steep hillside, me, the Jellbeast (Jelly(fish) 5 month golden retriever) and my mother! great time, lovely walk, and I find this sick pawprint! I think it was a badger, very cool very cool. My mum's lower...
  9. M

    You expect me to believe that dogs are smart when my puppy has zero (0) lifetime wins against me and the leash but tries to pull away 250x each walk?

    @infinitas1985 see my puppy fucking LOVES when this happens because it means she's got the entire length of leash to just Run and hit against 💀