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    Puppy aggression-- long post

    @tomryan Your pup is still young, he's going to adapt in no time... It's probably about how quickly you can change your behaviour.
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    Puppy aggression-- long post

    @savedbygrace559 Putting his food down and then taking part of it away is a cue for his food aggression I suspect. If you handfeed you should start with just food in your hand. Make him work for it, there shouldn't be a "free food" resource to guard. Food only comes from you and your hand...
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    Chronic diarrhea suggestions

    @devotedinhim Did you test for giardia? My boy had them, hard to get rid of those buggers. For the diarrhea you can add a tablespoon of psyllium husk powder (with water) to the food. With diarrhea of course look at enough (but not too much because electrolytes) water intake and add some...
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    Working 4x10

    @padraig_leigheanach Does your dog have any behaviours that indicate he/she has any problems staying home alone that long? Do you have any problems with his/her behaviour? If that's a no on both there IS no problem. I'm in a similar situation as I'm a single dog dad. Different schedule (5x6)...
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    Neutering - post surgery tips

    @kitchenlady With boys the surgery is quite minimal invasive. The first night after he will be still under the influence of his narcotics so don't get spooked is he whines, your vet should have given him some quite strong painkillers. He is not in pain, he is hallucinating. I got some haunting...
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    Vomiting mostly undigested food

    @welldigging If he vomits more often than once I'd definitely do that. He could be trying to regurgitate something he swallowed... For me it's this with nearly every sign that could mean something is seriously wrong: once is a fluke, twice I'm concerned (and go to see our vet) - more often than...
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    Vomiting mostly undigested food

    @welldigging My white shep girl did this too, same answer from my vet. No allergies, no health problems all her life - right up to the point where cancer hit us like a mallet. As long as the vet gives them a clean bill of health and they eat&poop well (as my girl did) I would in fact not be...
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    First Dental Cleaning

    @juanmz28 Only thing I ever was concerned about with my dogs was the anesthesia as they carry a certain small risk of something going wrong. But with a healthy dog and an experienced vet risks are minimal. In my opinion the reward outweighs the risks if your dog is healthy. Vet should know to...
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    I won't be here to protect my sweet boy - PLEASE read

    @mnewyork I'm on the wrong continent but just wanted to let you know we feel for you too. Wishing you the best of luck in finding the right person for your best friend in the time you have...
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    I think I've made a terrible mistake :(

    @maxb8070 Doggy stairs. Get 'em while they're hot. No really, my boy doesn't jump so I taught him stepping up on the bed or into the bathtub with a low footstool. Then I found doggy stairs (for smol doggies) and they work great. Doubles as chew toys unfortunately otherwise there would be pix to...