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  1. J

    Help…scared of dogs/pets in general, plis don’t judge me, I am pretty self critical as it is. (28 y/o F)

    @mmerchant Your accomplishments are in no way “nothing,” you went from a) Not being able to be near a dog, to b) Being able to be around them, with some reasonable nervousness, to c) Being able to hold one in your LAP! Those are huge Grand Canyon milestones and you should be so proud of yourself...
  2. J

    Help…scared of dogs/pets in general, plis don’t judge me, I am pretty self critical as it is. (28 y/o F)

    @mmerchant Hi OP, I’m going to be honest - it sounds like your boyfriend is pretty inconsiderate when it comes to your dog phobia, because he definitely could have told his friend not to bring his dog without checking in. And he thinks that you’ll just “get used” to dogs - no, that’s not how any...
  3. J

    Help…scared of dogs/pets in general, plis don’t judge me, I am pretty self critical as it is. (28 y/o F)

    @no1texan Agreed, OPs pretty rational even while terrified, throughout the whole incident she was talking herself down the best she could have, she analyzed the dogs behaviours, and then when she was ready she gave the dog some pets. This is a person who doesn’t want to be afraid, but also can’t...