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  1. J

    Prong collar for 8 month old after 3 months of leash training?

    @goat__man The prong collar does what any owner should do, correct bad behaviour, it applies more pressure to the neck and is usually used for small people or large dogs because its difficult to get the same amount of pressure with a slip leash, OR if the dog is not working on the slip leash and...
  2. J

    Prong collar for 8 month old after 3 months of leash training?

    @goat__man It looks pretty rough doesn't it, and that's what people don't seem to understand, to be effective with a harness you have to put so much more energy into it, I turn my slip leash into a figure 8 that goes over the snout if the Rotty is misbehaving and I feel like I will have to use...
  3. J

    Any good puppy training manuals, starting from day one!

    @kevin184 This is a good manual, thanks. 😂
  4. J

    Any good puppy training manuals, starting from day one!

    @eront Sorry, no idea what your on about, I can’t see how you can train a puppy without “force”, it would run around like mad, you have to contain it with, I guess I would say with the “least force” necessary? Anyway it doesn’t matter. I also completely disagree the the statement “there is no...
  5. J

    Any good puppy training manuals, starting from day one!

    @eront Sorry you are upset by my question 🤷‍♂️
  6. J

    Any good puppy training manuals, starting from day one!

    @eront I would imagine a lot of trainers have a “manual”, in terms of outlining the training steps and when to aim for completion and moving onto the next training item, outlining expected length of time to complete each step, with the expected age, etc. it’s the basics of a training program...
  7. J

    Any good puppy training manuals, starting from day one!

    @ukbeliever This video looks fantastic, particularly the crate next to the bed idea, and making training fun, I’ll watch the rest after work today. You should see my Eclectus parrot go nuts at training time, he’ll let me know he wants to train by getting right up in my face and making a click...
  8. J

    Any good puppy training manuals, starting from day one!

    @mdwhite Thanks for that, it is frustrating for us, throw in aphantasia and can’t visualise anything either so memory recall is hard, as your first point of recall for memories is the visual component, or so I’m told, I wouldn’t know! I always laugh at people saying “he doesn’t look the same in...
  9. J

    Any good puppy training manuals, starting from day one!

    @utvolford Thanks, I have looked at it I just wasn’t exactly sure how it worked. So you pay for it and can just look at the “modules” whenever forever?
  10. J

    Any good puppy training manuals, starting from day one!

    Hi hi, I’m picking up a little Rottweiler puppers in a few weeks, 8-9 weeks old, I have a Rottweiler who is 6.5 years old and she’s a good girl, I’ve been doing extra training with her to try get her up to scratch when puppers arrives, and she’s had heaps of extra dog socialising etc so I’ve...