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  1. O

    Should I bring my other dog when I put my dog with cancer down?

    Thank you all so much for the advice and support ❤️ I finally found someone near us that does at home euthanasia, Turk will cross the rainbow bridge Monday. When we got him in college we always told him we’d get him a yard. He moved with us so many times, traveled states, went to the beach, and...
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    Should I bring my other dog when I put my dog with cancer down?

    @pandalarry Thank you for the advice. Totally f*** cancer, I work with cancer patients I can’t imagine how my pup feels
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    Should I bring my other dog when I put my dog with cancer down?

    We recently found out our almost 9 year old beagle mix, Turk, has terminal cancer. He has been rapidly declining for the last 2.5 months and we finally figured out why. He’s hurting, a shadow of who he used to be so we’ve decided this weekend to let him cross the rainbow bridge. My husband and...