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  1. D

    I found my dog’s hidden stash today

    @washedcleannyc Smart pup!
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    Is it extreme that I have lost respect for my family member because they use unkind methods to train?

    @ashiedu My sister in law and brother in law have 5 dogs. I don’t agree with half the stuff I hear they do or don’t do.
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    Thoughts on e-collar ? (Only on vibration mode) the vet recommended it but I am really reluctant

    @grace302015 We used a vibrating collar and it lost its effectiveness after while. I’d use a muzzle.
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    Fence covering ideas? I want one that 100% is a visual blocker

    @veroch Wow this is exactly what I need!
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    What are your "top 3" tips?

    @annewayne26 Thank you!!
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    What are your "top 3" tips?

    @annewayne26 Yes I think I’m going to try a squeeze tube. Any recommendations of one’s that are easy to fill and clean after?
  7. D

    What are your "top 3" tips?

    @annewayne26 How is your dog about taking the treats? I know when mine is frustrated he’s more like a shark and it hurts so I’m afraid to have a handful of food and have him eat my hand!!