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  1. D

    Had a bite incident and it's my fault

    An epilogue here: our pup had been butt scooting a bit this week, I just discovered one of his anal glands is totally impacted. I'd bite someone too if I had a hemorrhoid that size. Poor baby is going to the vet ASAP. Also still going to leash him of course, and look into GI/pain aspects, but...
  2. D

    Had a bite incident and it's my fault

    @nicholehe I definitely told him to go to the doctor and send me any bills - hoping he follows through. I'm a bit dubious because he was an older guy and seemed to be taking a "bah just a flesh wound" approach. One upside of our having our pup on a leash aside from today is I know pretty...
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    Had a bite incident and it's my fault

    @nicholehe We get maybe 2-3 pedestrians a week this time of year, and are in weekender country so weekdays are generally dead. Made a bad misjudgment that I will not be making again.
  4. D

    Had a bite incident and it's my fault

    @elizabeda777 We tried a course of pain meds - they make his stomach upset though. Current theory is some sort of GI distress. He has a muscle tic in his face though so there may be some sort of neurological component. Great to know the specialist was helpful for you!
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    Had a bite incident and it's my fault

    @elizabeda777 Thank you! We have movable gates, just bought an additional one to put outside the room he stays in when people are over and have double barriers. I'm so glad you and your pup had success. We think ours has a pain issue but the vet hasn't been able to pinpoint anything yet.
  6. D

    Had a bite incident and it's my fault

    Edit: Not seeking advice here on containing our dog, I know how costly this lapse in judgment was (and that it could have been worse for him or others), and what we need to do going forward. Came here to find folks with shared experience with bite incidents or other serious setbacks. Our dog...