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  1. T

    Trying to decide if I should put my lab mix (f/8) with anxiety down

    @mrchat33 Honestly I’m sure she could use more but she does go on a walk every four hours max and I try to get her to my friends backyard at least once a week to run around with her ball. During the summertime she obviously gets more exercise but she doesn’t seem to like the cold either now that...
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    Trying to decide if I should put my lab mix (f/8) with anxiety down

    @selahsmommy18 She goes on a medium walk four times a day and then one longer walk at night. He does walk them right before he gets on the play so I know it’s not a potty thing. There’s not a rescue nearby that would take her because of her aggressive past. Unfortunately it’s really difficult...
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    Trying to decide if I should put my lab mix (f/8) with anxiety down

    @xjasonsteelex To be honest we’ve been considering putting her down for years, we had to switch vets several times to find one who had better advice than putting her down when she was attacking everyone. She gets walked every four hours at a minimum and then gets one long walk in the evening...
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    Trying to decide if I should put my lab mix (f/8) with anxiety down

    This post is really long but I feel like I have to include all the details because putting a dog down is very serious and to get actual opinions I feel like you’d need to know everything. She’s a 45 pound lab mix we’ve had since she was 4wks old, we found her by a dumpster where she was...