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  1. J

    Feels like we are running low on solutions

    @ttolainchrist yes, it's on our radar, unfortunately. While it is very rare, especially in her breed, she has a lot of similar symptoms. but the behaviorist again wanted to try med changes before neuro consult and a keppra trial
  2. J

    Feels like we are running low on solutions

    @childman The thought of absent seizures or a neurological component was one of the first concerns I brought up to our rDVM and the behaviorist when she declined a few months ago. The behaviorist and our rDVM wanted to try a few medication tweaks to see if that would help (if the sudden change...
  3. J

    Feels like we are running low on solutions

    This is a long story to share, but we have found a lot of comfort in this group. First, a bit (a lot) of background. We adopted M last February, she's a 3yo spayed hound. She was with a foster for 4 months prior to us getting her, and while some of her behavioral issues were present from the...