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  1. J

    Success- Yellow leash tags

    @atkinsachael Haha of course we’re not doing walks in the 30 foot leash! And no, I’ll never use a flexi. The long leash is what we use when we’re alone or really far away from anyone. He gets to run and play or explore and sniff. I find that time on the long leash is very enriching for him and...
  2. J

    Success- Yellow leash tags

    @kimrossie You're welcome! I felt similarly- I didn't want tags that say "Do not touch" or "Aggressive". I don't want people to completely avoid us all the time, or to be afraid of him. I just want them to be mindful and communicate with me. So far that's exactly what I've gotten!
  3. J

    Success- Yellow leash tags

    @imagebeastmarkbeast I totally get that! There is so much embarassment on this journey. I hope that whatever you choose to do, you and your dog can move forward together and have good experiences
  4. J

    My friend’s GSD mix just attacked her 1 y/o son. She sees nothing wrong with this. Help?

    @anadascal Firt things first- I'm so sorry to hear about this situation. You are in an incredibly difficult position. It sounds to me like you are approaching it with deep care about safety, and lots of love. No one could ask for more. Thank you 💙 I want to echo the sentiments of other...
  5. J

    Success- Yellow leash tags

    @aleksandros Bahahahaha. For my boy, the true response to something like that might be "That's not the name on his registration, but it is the name written on soul".
  6. J

    Success- Yellow leash tags

    My dog is reactive to dogs, strangers, small animals, cars, bicycles, sometimes all of reality... He's making huge progress; on his good days you wouldn't know he's a reactive dog unless you knew what to look for. But but he he still has bad days. Sometimes those bad days are VERY BAD (i.e. a...