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    This is mostly a rant post on animal abuse, since I don’t think there’s anything else I can do… 😔

    @wordsfromwar You see them 3 times a year, you don't live there, you say you've already decided not to see them again..... Seems pretty safe, for you to call it in. They can't be sure it was you, anyone could report it, friend or family or worker who goes into the home. I do give a fuck abt all...
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    This is mostly a rant post on animal abuse, since I don’t think there’s anything else I can do… 😔

    @wordsfromwar They could be seized. If 2 dogs in one crate most of the day, it's likely breaching even basic animal welfare laws. Sounds like you don't really wanna take action. You just did massive vent. If it's as bad as u say I'd b continuously calling authorities if it were me. And if she...
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    This is mostly a rant post on animal abuse, since I don’t think there’s anything else I can do… 😔

    @wordsfromwar You could call animal control fof the crating of dogs together for sure. Anonymous call.
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    Dog introductions

    @svenya I'd do a nice long leashed walk before ANY introductions. Follow the leader, as big a gap as u need for dogs to be calm. Switch leader . After an hours walk in neutral territory (not in front of house) try intro as you think works best.
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    I don’t know if this question belongs here but I’m unsure where to go

    @diamndiva Can you take them? I'm guessing no? Unfortunately if she won't release them, even to a lovely home, this is a symptom of her illness, and you'll need to boundary that as you do other hurtful things she does. I'd just give her lots of dog food for them. You have a good heart. All...
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    Leaving 6 month old for 2 weeks to go abroad? Advice needed

    @brokenwithout Omg, cancel the trip? No. He'll be fine, bond will be fine. Hate yo say, but dog will prob have time of its life! But good idea mentioned abv to havibe him stay a cpl nights at boarding so he knows it.
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    Own 2 dogs at the same time, for the first time in my life. Struggling to navigate the situation

    @liturgynerd Don't let either on couch or bed at this time. And id just ignore both of them. Don't give either much affection. And keep monitoring. And id disagree w them claiming you. If they growl at other dog, I'd correct that. Lots of pp on here will say not to correct a growl as its a...
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    Advice regarding adoption of my MIL’s 9 month old puppy

    @holy_venom95 Yes, you can crate train it. Esp as u have good bond already. Ummmm it's kind of annoying she's complaining she can't cope, but wants trial.... I'd suggest you try a months trial full time at urs. Mil has option to have him back permenantly at end of month, no hard feelings As I...