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    No Health Testing

    @christiancharacter I wish you the very best.
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    No Health Testing

    @christiancharacter You might be setting yourself up for tremendous grief by getting a puppy with unknown issues. And sadly not early death but disability in life. Or great veterinary expenses. There are good reputable breeders out there doing the testing that a puppy deserves. You will find...
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    I wish we had a tag that said, “doodles, amirite?”

    @dmndgirl Some of still do.
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    Who owes these puppies, our female - no breeder contract

    @zsevers Do you have her papers. Are you the only owner or do you co own. Did you submit papers to AKC listing yourself as the owner?
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    Who owes these puppies, our female - no breeder contract

    @zsevers Yeah. This response suggests you genuinely don’t know the ins and outs of AKC papers and how they work.
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    Who owes these puppies, our female - no breeder contract

    @zsevers As soon as I saw no agreement to spay or neuter I knew…
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    Question for breeders

    @drsharles Most reputable breeders I know can make their own picks. For one thing they pretty much can choose their likely keepers early and.they don't need a behaviorist. They know their dogs and usually enough about their buyers.
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    So embarrassing to post but: I’m drained, and i feel like I was lied to about getting a puppy

    @davecb One of my Dobermans was a return to breeder when she was about a year old. All the hard work was done. It was Heaven.
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    People have zero survival instinct and it’s hurting my dog

    @knittedspoons Okay but you are misusing the term “natural selection “. I suggest “denial” or “foolishness.”
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    How to tell if pregnant

    @metatronscube Just start higher protein now. My breeder friend started her bitches on an enhanced diet just as they came into season.
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    I wish we had a tag that said, “doodles, amirite?”

    @kat1941 I didn’t. It was exhausting!
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    I wish we had a tag that said, “doodles, amirite?”

    @ozd Tell me about it. I once went to pick up a Springer Spaniel with pups. It was a GSP and the pups were half pitbull.
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    SOS the worlds pickiest dog

    @cd8 I am not a dog trainer or veterinarian but as a dog owner, I agree with the trainer and veterinarian.