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    How to get a groomer…

    @pink1 Just remember, that groomer lives in your community too and maybe isn't able to have their own business, but corp doesn't automatically make them bad. Also, it's an asshole move to have a groomer train your dog to be groomed only for you to start going someplace else because you didn't...
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    How to get a groomer…

    @cerulean123 I've known a lot of groomers who have to work corp for the insurance. Around here there's tons of mom and pop shops, only one is what I consider competition. Those people just woke up one day and decided to be groomers. Outsiders have no idea how many safety procedures corp has...
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    My dog just scared off a burglar

    @asdfkasdf My girl decided she didn't like nonfamily members around 2 yrs old, she just avoids touch, nothing more. My ex had a friend she really didn't like though, when he came over I heard she'd been aggressive towards him but no details. Until he came over one day and she jumped through his...
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    How to get a groomer…

    @silverfanng Lol, yeah, my ex was always trying to find dogs for me to do on the side for less since I would get to keep everything. I finally convinced him the last thing I wanted to do on my day off was give someone a discount groom with no equipment because they're too cheap to actually go to...
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    How to get a groomer…

    @slyder50 I would feel really shitty if I lost a new mother her job. Not everyone has the luxury to up and quit.
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    How to get a groomer…

    @noheisable I've learned you can never trust anyone to keep their mouth shut, either innocently or maliciously. I personally can't afford that gamble, but everyone's situation is different.
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    Moving out and downsizing, how do you help your Cattle Dog live in a small space?

    @toneee My heeler rode with me when I drove truck, he got a very small amount of playtime and walks at rest ares and truck stops. He was always happy. I think your friend coming to sit is best. They'll both have company and you'll be helping your friend out. My current girl stays in her crate...
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    How to get a groomer…

    @pink1 If she gets caught she'll more than likely get fired.
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    How to break a 1.5 y/o Australian Cattle Dog car herding habit?

    @knowingjesusfellowship Take some herding classes if you can find them. She can get it out of her system and learn to control her urges.
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    I NEED certification

    @olwebs Are you doing grooms as a bather at a Corp salon? That could easily get you fired
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    I NEED certification

    @olwebs If you're in the US there is no 'certification ' needed to be a groomer, that's just a corporate thing. There's no laws for dog groomers like there are for hair stylists
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    How much would you charge for this beautiful boy?

    @cazamal If that's a husky, he's over size and wooly. Huskies are smaller tighter coated dogs than this.
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    Genuine question: groomer report cards

    @carlx21 Some groomers wil lie and say the pet is good cause they think it gets them better tips, but I just mention if the pet is wiggly, scared of something, or aggressive/resistant in certain situations.
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    Seeking advice for unique situation

    @ally143 8-3 is a time dogs are typically left alone, and is not very long. My dogs are alone about 9 hrs a day 5 days a week, they're not insane or needy. If you Play ball with them of course they are bum rushing the door to go outside! My dog will lie to get ball time, it is life, if my dog is...