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    3 month old corgi never stops unless sleeping. Need help

    @scholasticus I just wanna say, you can "train" your dog to have more stamina and it sounds like that's what you're doing by taking her to the dog park for hours. I would personally enforce a time-out, because puppies can get nippy and bratty when tired/overtired. I've never crate-trained...
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    Why does my dog lay on me

    @vigilantrogue My own dog does that to me quite often, especially when we're about to turn in for the night and I'm playing one last game of solitaire on my phone. She'll sneak her muzzle into my right hand so I can't touch my phone and am forced to interact with her, if I ignore her she will...
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    Why does my dog lay on me

    @taikamiya720 Yeah, some dogs are definitely more empathic from the get-go. I've never trained Coco for any emotional support work, she just hates it when I'm having an emotional day and I love her for it. I also think dogs tend to pick one human as "their" human. My parents old French Bulldog...
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    Why does my dog lay on me

    @taikamiya720 My pup does the same for me if I'm having an emotional day. Tears are not acceptable, she will force herself onto me until I can't help but laugh. Dogs are too pure for this world. Please give your "little" miss some scritches, she's a good girl.