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  1. R

    Only time I’m grateful for my dog’s reactivity

    @deerocks Yes! My dog is far more protective of me than my boyfriend. I don’t often walk him alone, but when I do I do feel a lot safer knowing he won’t allow my space to be messed with. It’s a give and take obviously as he extends that protectiveness to basically any human that approaches me...
  2. R

    Only time I’m grateful for my dog’s reactivity

    @patrickcen Yes totally! We’ve done a lot of work with our dog inside the home about being less sensitive to random noises since we live in an apartment complex. But I know he would absolutely let us know if something was off, right away.
  3. R

    Only time I’m grateful for my dog’s reactivity

    My boyfriend and I often take our dog (1 year old ACD/pit/Rottweiler mix) to the grocery store down the street. One of us waits outside with him and the other runs in and shops. It’s a great opportunity for him to observe people, shopping carts, etc from a distance and he usually does amazingly...
  4. R

    Our guidance to House Visitors with our reactive dog. Yes we ask them to read before they come in

    @romans82 Um hello this is getting printed out and hung on the fridge bc 😱. This sums up everything I try to tell people about interacting with my dog PERFECTLY