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  1. F

    What size clothes is my dog??

    @lelalodavis You need to keep in mind that at 1 year old, your dog is not done growing yet. So, give the dog some room with the clothing. And what type of clothing do you mean? Sweaters for cold weather and rain, or just everyday clothes? I hesitate to ask anything further because I have my...
  2. F

    Should I bring my other dog when I put my dog with cancer down?

    @carlamwilkinson I'm so sorry for your losses, @carlamwilkinson. I had similar experiences with 3 of my pets. Our (my husband's cat mostly) Kitty was diabetic and thyroid issues. She was on and off insulin for 5 years. She was having a diabetic seizure (best way I can describe it) and I had to...
  3. F

    Dog hasn’t eaten in weeks

    @fliperacci901 Quite honestly your dog sounds like mine as far as eating. My girl is a 15 year old beagle mix girl and she's on a renal diet of prescription food. We've tried 4 different flavors of one brand and are on a different brand now and she won't eat any of it, regardless of what we mix...
  4. F

    F golden retriever & M German shepherd. Who do I spay/neuter first?

    @keithann @keithann...You want to keep in mind that I come from the time where it was pushed to get a dog fixed asap when they were still puppies (under 6 months old). I lucked out that my girl was 18 months old when we got her and she was already spayed. But even if she wasn't, I would have...
  5. F

    F golden retriever & M German shepherd. Who do I spay/neuter first?

    @keithann Well, you are going to have to separate them, regardless of who gets fixed first. So, you may as well get them both done together since you will have to keep them separate after the surgery.
  6. F

    My neighbours don’t treat their dog well, what can I do?

    @devandt I would be reporting the owner to animal control. Any other home would be an improvement on this one. Heck, even a no kill shelter would be better than this "home".
  7. F

    Do y’all sometimes feel like you don’t do enough for your dog?

    @snw For 2 of my 3 dogs, I would say yes, I didn't do enough towards the end of their lives. Had I been more aware of the changes in their behavior and eating, I might have been able to keep them around longer. My last dog, Ziggy, lived to be 15 years old. She had it rough medically the last 6...
  8. F

    How should I greet my dog when I get home?

    @righteousbyfaith @righteousbyfaith My dog is almost 15 years old and she can be found in her kennel 95% of the time because she feels safe there and she can get in and out of it rather easily. Most dogs like their kennel because it is a safe space for them to have some quiet time and not be...
  9. F

    Watching my friend’s dog and need to know if I’m overreacting…

    @samuelcalebisrael OP, I'm sorry to say this but you are going to need to decide between the dog's welfare and your friendship. Personally, I wouldn't want to be friends with someone that can't, or won't, properly care for a living being.
  10. F

    Watching my friend’s dog and need to know if I’m overreacting…

    @samuelcalebisrael Call animal control in your area, show them the documented proof of the dog's lack of proper care.