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  1. K

    Don't wait to take your puppy places until they're fully vaccinated- Even if it's against vet advice!

    @imagebeastmarkbeast Yeah, that was why I said “some more informed than others” – a breeder should have a good idea, but there are always outliers and oddballs who are larger/smaller than the rest of the litter, or even the line. Rescues make a guess, since lineage (never mind breed, often...
  2. K

    Daycare owner implied that I’m mistreating my puppy

    @amximuspitta5158 Yeah, that’s a huge red flag to me. This does not sound like a daycare, but a training facility, where dogs primarily interact with trainers, not other dogs. It’s dangerous to leave a bunch of collared dogs on the floor with only a handful of staff, way too easy for them to...
  3. K

    How many TOTAL hours a day do you spend DIRECTLY interacting with your pup?

    @annieopie Every dog I’ve ever had does this. They love to stare up at you with those big googoo eyes while chewing, lovingly relishing in the shared activity they love. Honestly, I wish I was that easy to please.
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    How many TOTAL hours a day do you spend DIRECTLY interacting with your pup?

    @pastornick Hell, I’m WFH and I’m probably A. I mean, directly interacting is a lot more than just “outside for 20 minutes so he can run around the dog run and sniff the sniffs a few times a day”, so that doesn’t count. It’s probably closer to the 3 hour end most days, since we usually go over...
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    What to do if I feel like I don’t like my puppy?

    @elinell Sorry, I read it, I was just trying to be less blunt by pointing at different up/down times and activity lengths, rather than saying “Lol an hour is clearly way too much, never mind two, you need to break this up and probably increase the total nap time.” I was also trying to avoid the...
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    What to do if I feel like I don’t like my puppy?

    @elinell You’ve gotten good advice so far. Just want to add that at 11.5 weeks old, your puppy should sleep >16 hours a day. Closer to 18, probably. Some of your problems will likely resolve themselves with consistent, enforced nap times. 30 minutes up, then rest for an hour or two. Repeat...
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    6 month old puppy OBSESSED with our cat. I’m feeling defeated

    @curtis697 Honestly, mine was at that point around April/May of 2020 (yeah, great time for a pandemic, a month after I adopt a puppy…), and I’m not going to lie and tell you I didn’t spend many (many, many) hours sitting and trying not to cry because I was so frustrated (and failing at not...
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    “It’s cruel to walk your dog in [this -20°C windchill]!”

    @papajoefreeman Honestly, huskies handle the heat fine. I mean, I wouldn’t leave one outside all day in it, but I live in Florida and they’re no worse off than any other dog. Somewhat better, insofar that their fur is an insulator, so it helps protect them from the heat. Some room-temperature...
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    6 month old puppy OBSESSED with our cat. I’m feeling defeated

    @curtis697 They gave you some excellent advice, but I wanted to add a reminder for you: your pup is 6 months and a very demanding combo of even more demanding breeds. They’re also six months, which is a common point for “rebellious” streaks and backsliding behavior. Consistency is important...
  10. K

    3 month old corgi never stops unless sleeping. Need help

    @tomsgirl Yeeeep. Wild little suckers.