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  1. K

    I found my dog’s hidden stash today

    @washedcleannyc That's so cute! When I first got my girl she was so terrified and insecure. She couldn't take and eat a treat if I was in the same room, so I would leave it next to her on the sofa (where she would glue herself) and then leave. I would come back and it was gone. A while later...
  2. K

    [Discussion] Owning dog with 8 h work

    @truthandlove An adult dog will probably be fine unless it has separation anxiety or is a high energy breed not exercised enough. A dog will typically sleep most of the time you are away. It is not so good for puppies though. Weaker bladders, need more attention. It can be done (lots of...
  3. K

    Niece wants to go on vacation for 3 days and leave dogs in a crate

    @tms7981 It's worse for the dogs because they won't understand what is happening, why, and for how long. This is cruel and completely unnecessary.