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    How’s everyone w an adolescent puppy doing?

    @crayw Oh wow. Ugh they are so hard to deal w sometimes aren’t they. Good thing they’re so cute! 🤣
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    How’s everyone w an adolescent puppy doing?

    @crayw Giving up the naps is another frustration I forgot! I miss the days he would sleep 20 hrs a day lol
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    Wait to neuter?

    @briang70 Great idea thanks
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    Wait to neuter?

    @briang70 The struggle is real!!!! lol Thanks so much! That’s is great to know because that’s another concern. I would like him a little bigger and wasn’t sure if that would stop the hormones and keep him from growing so thanks!!
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    Wait to neuter?

    @nicolegriff Thanks!
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    Wait to neuter?

    I know this is a controversial topic but curious to hear people’s opinions and experiences. I’ve worked for a vet for many yrs and drs encouraged to spay and neuter around 6 months. I personally have always followed this standard w my pets my whole life. However I’m reading more and more that...
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    How’s everyone w an adolescent puppy doing?

    @billover70 This makes so much sense! THANK YOU. Yeah I need to stop pushing my expectations on him and just work w him at his pace. I get so caught up w at 5 months they should do this and at 6 months this and well other posters puppies are walking perfectly on a leash. That way of thinking is...
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    How’s everyone w an adolescent puppy doing?

    @billover70 This makes sense about walks. I think I’m trying to rush things too much and need to lower my expectations. Thank you so much!!! Can you explain what you mean about counterconditioning?
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    How’s everyone w an adolescent puppy doing?

    @chiefyang83 This really does help and makes me feel so much better. Thank you so much!!!!
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    I think we made a mistake

    @cosine Not true at all
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    How’s everyone w an adolescent puppy doing?

    @chiefyang83 Thank you so much for this! ❤️. Did he just outgrow the fear or was there anything in particular you did? I appreciate this. It made me feel better 😁
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    Pros and Cons to crate training 9 week old puppy

    @katrad2011 The crate also keeps them safe. ESP a tiny dog like a chihuahua that can fall off a bed or be rolled over on and crushed. I’ve also seen far too many posts of people waking up in a sea of pee or poop to be confident enough to trust a teeny tiny baby who’s not house broken and has no...
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    How’s everyone w an adolescent puppy doing?

    @beastnate123 Ugh I hear you!!! It’s like when are you going to consistently choose good over evil??? Lol
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    How’s everyone w an adolescent puppy doing?

    @yaheli Sleepy is heaven!!! 🙃
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    How’s everyone w an adolescent puppy doing?

    @johnr001 Thank you that alone helps lol
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    How’s everyone w an adolescent puppy doing?

    @creekwalker Good luck! Praying it’s just pickiness 🙏🏻. The struggle is real isn’t it lol
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    How’s everyone w an adolescent puppy doing?

    @patrick_m I feel this so much! I’m exhausted all the time. My puppy? NEVER seems tired and fights naps and bedtime every day. I still have to crate him for naps because he will not nap outside the crate on his own and turns into a maniac when he doesn’t nap.
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    How’s everyone w an adolescent puppy doing?

    @stelz So true ❤️❤️❤️
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    How’s everyone w an adolescent puppy doing?

    @stelz Same! I gotta work on my timing too 😩
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    Still waiting for it to get better

    6 month old papillon is out to break me I just know it (I have to laugh or I’ll cry). Still can’t walk properly on a leash. Still puts EVERYTHING in his mouth. He has all his adult teeth. When I take him out I’m pulling every leaf, rock, asphalt, etc out of his mouth just while waiting for him...