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  1. M

    How much do they really change around 1 year old?

    @mikail Um well we had one and I would say she mellowed out around 10 years. Sorry but that's a fact. They're not meant to be mellow.
  2. M

    Please help me! Did I get screwed over by this vet??

    @kennethb That link goes to a site that says the domain is for sale
  3. M

    How much do they really change around 1 year old?

    @mikail Nope not enough.
  4. M

    Please help me! Did I get screwed over by this vet??

    @kennethb The vet f'd up and now is giving you the "I am God" treatment which means they're always right no matter what and if you disagree there's nothing you can do because there's no such thing as suing them and if you complain to the state Board nothing will happen. They own us.
  5. M

    Please help me! Did I get screwed over by this vet??

    Also, because of that vet-induced acute kidney injury, my dog who was fine before now has State 2 kidney failure with special diet, drugs, and subQ fluids. A miserable degradation of his life AND mine. So ...
  6. M

    Please help me! Did I get screwed over by this vet??

    @shrinkerbell In what way, precisely, do they "matter". And what would be your take on my recent situation? The vet gave my dog the highest possible dose (for his weight) of a blood pressure medicine and after the second dose a second vet in the same practice sent us home with his blood...
  7. M

    Please help me! Did I get screwed over by this vet??

    @marynabil They don't care about google reviews. They all have paid functionaries who respond to google reviews with "We are so sorry you were not happy with our service", "We send our condolences for the loss of your cherished pet", etc. Then they go on to say something insincere like "We...