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    My groomer nipped my dog. Wants to go through her insurance and I’m annoyed and upset about it

    @_h_ OPs getting dragged harder than a United Airlines passenger on the Imgur post too. After reading that, you're definitely a Karen.
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    My groomer nipped my dog. Wants to go through her insurance and I’m annoyed and upset about it

    @_h_ Idk, with your attitude, I'd say you're a little Karen-y about it. But I don't coddle my animals or my kid - if nothing is broken, they'll be fine 🤷🏻‍♀️
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    Gear recommendations

    @nyh I love my Bravura. I had an Arco but it just wasn't for me. My coworker prefers her Creativa because of the power button placement, she's a lefty though. Or she holds clippers different or something idk haha. The power button may be annoying on the bravs but I like them. All of my favorite...
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    My groomer nipped my dog. Wants to go through her insurance and I’m annoyed and upset about it

    @_h_ How is that not agreeing? She will pay the full amount... Out of her insurance... Like a normal business
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    My groomer nipped my dog. Wants to go through her insurance and I’m annoyed and upset about it

    @fijiman I never said it was the owner's fault. She didn't need to jump straight to a lawsuit. Yes, the groomer should have covered it 100% in the first place, but I would have just asked her to cover it 100% as it had nothing to do with me. If she still refused, then maybe escalate it. And as...
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    Chart to show owners length?

    @fxxs Tbh, you can show them all the charts in the world, they're not going to learn until they have to deal with the consequences. I no longer dematt, if they don't brush, it gets shaved, and I charge. If they won't stay on MY schedule, they can try to find a groomer elsewhere. Neglect is hard...
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    Grooming my own dogs…. Spoiler: groomers deserve 1000x what they are paid

    @motherhen Breeding mutts isn't ethical breeding. There's a reason we have breeds and breed standards which plays heavily into dog's long term health and well being.
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    Grooming my own dogs…. Spoiler: groomers deserve 1000x what they are paid

    @motherhen Doodles are not ethically bred ever.
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    My groomer nipped my dog. Wants to go through her insurance and I’m annoyed and upset about it

    @_h_ Every day is a different day. I've been bitten by dogs that loved me for years, and they had a bad day. Not the dog's fault, not the groomers 🤷🏻‍♀️ I think you went from 0-100 real quick, but I think the communication was confusing for you both. If it was me, I would probably apologize to...
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    My groomer nipped my dog. Wants to go through her insurance and I’m annoyed and upset about it

    @_h_ Honestly, any open wound can get infected. We try REALLY REALLY hard not to injure dogs in our care, but we're working with sharp tools on living, moving beings. Dogs don't understand grooming - most of them hate it, and will dick around. I usually tell owners to keep the area clean and to...
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    What do y’all do with broken blades?

    @rickt65 I was trained by PetSmart which had the highest safety standards in the industry and we were allowed to use broken blades with one or two teeth missing under a guard comb because it doesn't have any chance to touch the skin unless you're being an idiot.
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    What do y’all do with broken blades?

    @rickt65 Welcome to dog grooming.
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    What do y’all do with broken blades?

    @rickt65 Hence why I use them under clip combs.
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    What do y’all do with broken blades?

    @rickt65 Hey, have you met skip tooths?
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    What do y’all do with broken blades?

    @mstar19 If it's a 10, 15, or 30 and there are only one or two teeth broken, I'll use them under longer clip combs until they're dull and then give them to my sharpener for parts.
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    How much would you charge for this beautiful boy?

    @cazamal When I left grooming 2 years ago, I would have charged $90-120 @ $60/hr. If I was still in grooming, it would be $105-$140 @ $70/hr. My prices were "high" because I didn't want to rely on tips so I charged accordingly.
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    Favorite shears

    @eeyaa Freebird is the Wish of shears. Worst customer service on the planet, and half the time, you have to threaten to file a chargeback with your CC company to even get an email response. Their shears are not worth their nonsense.
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    Genuine question: groomer report cards

    @jay2242 Yup. And if I got yelled at by a client, I also got "coached" by my manager. No thanks 🙃
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    considering a spoo

    @jwfletch My spoo is short all summer and long in the winter because we live in Canada and it regularly gets down to -20°C. I don't think he cares though because he will still try to play in the lake 😂. He's being shaved down to 1/4" this weekend though because he's too hot now. I got him from...
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    Truth about working as a bather at Petsmart

    @ingramk When I worked at Smart, policy was that all managers were to be trained to bathe & dry dogs to fill in for breaks + high volume days. Only one manager ever helped us and only when absolutely necessary. The store leader was afraid of dogs and was absolutely useless in the salon. She was...