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  1. E

    I played firework noises for my dog from day 1, and I HIGHLY recommend it

    @mtollett Unfortunately, she doesn’t “listen” or care for sounds coming out of electronic devices anymore. Fireworks from afar are actually tolerable for her. The problem is the next door neighbors that are blowing up illegal fireworks. It’s so bad that it rattles our house/windows. I even get...
  2. E

    I played firework noises for my dog from day 1, and I HIGHLY recommend it

    @beslowtoanger We did lots of these kinds of exercises in puppy preschool (the height of her socialization period). I did it with train noises, car noises, sirens, etc. OF COURSE, I completely forgot about fireworks at that time. So while she's okay with most loud noises, she cannot tolerate...
  3. E

    Just ranting about my Petco trainer

    @faithoverfear I think her intentions are good and I could probably go through each one of your points and explain why she would say what she said. The beauty of the training world is that there are all different type of trainers. If you don’t like one, you can move on to another one. If your...