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  1. C

    Name ideas for male heeler

    @cholachrist Yeah I like Zeke too! Just find names that have a vowel sound on the end, get more attention... I prefer an a or y ending
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    Name ideas for male heeler

    @cholachrist I was going to name mine e-z or easy, short for Ezekiel
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    My should I get my 9 y/o ACD’s fur cut?

    @hiram208 Also good to remember that dogs don't sweat like people do, so while wearing a fur coat in the heat seems unimaginably uncomfortable to us it's a bit different to them. Panting is their main tool to regulate temp. So hydration is very important. I spray mine down with the hose before...
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    running on pavement

    @kasimira Nothing cattle dog specific. Mine does seem to have a greater than average instinct to lunge for anything fast moving, that comes within a few feet. so be a bit more cautious of other runner, bikes, cars, keep good control of the leash until you are confident about how much slack they...
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    H E L P

    @eldridge With the food, I make mine sit and wait while I prepare his food and set it out and then I tell him it's ok to get up and go eat. When he was a puppy I would make him eat out of my hand alot forcing him to be gentle. And also would place my hand in his bowl while eating and...
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    Water intake of puppies

    @thanhlam I had the same concern with my acd as a puppy. I thought he might have a liver shunt, but he turned out perfectly healthy just drank and peed a ton as a puppy even in dead of winter. by about 12 months he evened out and while he still drinks a lot about 2-3 liters he’s about 50lbs...