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  1. S

    Help with possible fleas?

    @pebblesofhoward I’m a vet tech. You’re doing everything right except switch him to oral flea/ tick from a veterinarian. You’ll need a prescription, but it works 100% better than the OTC flea/ tick you buy at any pet store (most don’t even work). Due to a flea’s life cycle it takes at a minimum...
  2. S

    Will my dog ever recover?

    @eirenopoioi I would see if you could get a second opinion or at the very least go back in for a recheck and get an X-ray? Or a referral to an orthopedist.
  3. S

    Questions about MPL diagnosis

    @taisho I would take her back in for a recheck. Is she being rested I.e. no running around, short leashed walks, etc? Tolerating meds ok? This doesn’t sounds normal with an MPL diagnosis. It could be something further, so I would take her back in for a recheck. They may refer you to a specialist...