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  1. B

    My dogs keep chewing my niece's underwear

    @mark58 She has gotten better with putting everything in her basket. What’s happening is the dogs are breaking open the lid on her basket and chewing up the crotch area of her underwear as I stated in the OP.
  2. B

    My dogs keep chewing my niece's underwear

    @sometimesthewolf Thank you for the advice. My niece has had issues with hygiene as she’s only 14 and still working through the changes of puberty and entering womanhood. Her mom and I have been on her constantly about picking up after herself. Also, is there a certain brand of the spray that...
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    My dogs keep chewing my niece's underwear

    My dogs keep chewing my niece’s underwear I have 2 6 month old Pitbull pups and they keep chewing up the crotch area of my niece’s underwear so bad to the point that I have to go to the store and purchase new ones. What does this mean? Any solutions? I can’t seem to understand why this keeps...