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  1. G

    Golden Puppy Owner - H E L P !

    @imagebeastmarkbeast Would you say this goes on into adulthood? I’ll definitely take you up on this, walks are (almost) a daily occurrence. Also, are there any toys or games you’d recommend that don’t encourage even more people-biting?
  2. G

    Golden Puppy Owner - H E L P !

    @panchocisco Thanks! That’s really thorough advice. When it comes to redirecting, how do I know if it is working? Been trying for a whole month now and I feel he has made no progress. Also, with crate training, how could I make it super enticing to get in there during the day? He only uses it at...
  3. G

    Golden Puppy Owner - H E L P !

    I’ve got a 3mo Golden at home (cute snd quirky as heck). He has been around now for over a month. Got these main problems we need to fix: The biting. Just biting ANYTHING (furniture, cables, shoes, carpets, doors, assorted human limbs) within range all day long. The worst is when he bites...