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  1. 4

    What proportion of balanced trainers use bonkers?

    @james700 Hey listen, not trying to judge but have you actually seen this? I have a husky mix with a crazy high prey drive that we had to work through real fast because we have free range chickens. Throwing a towel at her definitely would not have stopped her (especially considering I have...
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    What proportion of balanced trainers use bonkers?

    @jaenalyn The article made it worse. This is one step away from hitting your dog. As another commenter said, I see zero compelling reason why this would be more beneficial than other methods that are more typically used.
  3. 4

    What proportion of balanced trainers use bonkers?

    @jaenalyn Well that seems even worse. Punish your dog by throwing things at it? It seems to me that the 'bonker' WOULD be beneficial in terms of breaking the dog's focus on what it is doing. But as a punishment, not really.
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    What proportion of balanced trainers use bonkers?

    @jaenalyn Then what would be the purpose of it?
  5. 4

    What proportion of balanced trainers use bonkers?

    @jaenalyn I feel there are better ways to get your dog's attention here.
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    9 M/O puppy won’t stop whining

    @didier1 I've never heard of anything quite like this honestly lol. But if your vet is sure there's nothing going on and he's been outside and been fed/Watered when he starts the whining, I personally would completely ignore him until he calms down, and THEN pet him and give him toys/treats...
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    9 M/O puppy won’t stop whining

    @didier1 That's a tough one then. How do you usually respond to him whining?
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    9 M/O puppy won’t stop whining

    @didier1 Recently as in before the whining?
  9. 4

    9 M/O puppy won’t stop whining

    @didier1 Have you taken him to a vet? I would get him checked out. That's not normal. Maybe he's in pain?
  10. 4

    What proportion of balanced trainers use bonkers?

    @lavister It's gross. 'Let's spike the dogs anxiety levels because it never knows when it's gonna get smacked! Yep, that will help it calm down for sure!'
  11. 4

    What proportion of balanced trainers use bonkers?

    @lavister Yep. Not sure if you've watched the videos floating around this comments section, but the one with the lady is awful. She wanted to teach the dog to come out of the crate calmly, so she gave the dog the command to come out of the crate and then hit it because it 'didn't do it right'...
  12. 4

    What proportion of balanced trainers use bonkers?

    @lavister Or clapping my hands sharply, that's always been the most effective for me. I work at a dog boarding business so I had to figure out a quick way to get a dogs attention. Besides the flat out abusive aspect, I feel like it's unreasonable to have to carry a rolled up towel around 24/7.
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    What proportion of balanced trainers use bonkers?

    @lavister Yeah, that lady's whole channel is pretty not great overall.
  14. 4

    What proportion of balanced trainers use bonkers?

    @coreopsis 😐 another commenter pointed me to these videos. Good grief. These both feel flat out abusive.
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    What proportion of balanced trainers use bonkers?

    @thriftypineapple It's terrible. At one point the dog is cowering and she's like, "see, she's thinking 'what does Jess want me to do?' " like no, lady, she's thinking omg is she gonna hit me again? Truly revolting. Again, this is the kind of crap that puts non FF trainers under fire. I am the...
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    What proportion of balanced trainers use bonkers?

    @onceawaretwiceempowered Omg they're both bad but that first one was awful. Seems like it would destroy any trust on the dog's part to just smack them like that out of nowhere. And the second one was just so wrong......she called the dog out of the kennel, the dog does what she asks, and gets...
  17. 4

    What proportion of balanced trainers use bonkers?

    @onceawaretwiceempowered So oddly enough, my dog has learned when I say 'ma'am!' very emphatically, that she is doing something wrong and needs to straighten up. Idk how we got here but here we are 💁‍♀️😂 I was just discussing this with another commenter that linked an article by the guy who...
  18. 4

    What proportion of balanced trainers use bonkers?

    @godlovesme4real Yeah I've never even heard of this 😭 this feels very abusive. It's like a cheat way to hit your dog. If they're doing a behavior I don't like, I typically clap my hands, say "ah-ah", and give them a cue for a different, more desirable behavior.