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  1. C

    Spoke to a behaviourist, now I’m scared.

    @michael21 FYI I'm not OP, you may want to reply to them in case they don't see your reply to me
  2. C

    Spoke to a behaviourist, now I’m scared.

    @mahhko Keep going with your gut on this. Shame on that behaviorist. If you're comfortable I would put that in a review online, because it was extremely unprofessional of her. It doesn't sound to me like you're at that stage yet, but even if you were - that is something to evaluate in person or...
  3. C

    Spoke to a behaviourist, now I’m scared.

    @mahhko She makes this statement without even seeing your dog? That seems irresponsible to me. What was your vets response to your call?