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  1. K

    successfully had 8 (!!) people over to our apartment

    @linlishan thank you! when we first started tackling her reactivity inside my apartment, her vet gave us a prescription for trazodone but i found that it either just knocked her out and didn't allow us to "train" or didn't have any affect on her temperament at all. she's on fluoxetine now and...
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    successfully had 8 (!!) people over to our apartment

    @i_love_esther she takes fluoxetine daily bc of her reactivity so that has been a huge help but as far as training specific to having people over, we trained a place command and she's comfortable in her crate. we use baby gates to keep her separated so that she can hear whats going on and see...
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    successfully had 8 (!!) people over to our apartment

    wanted to share a success story! my bf and i hosted mother's day at our apartment which involved having some people my dog has never "met" before and she killed it! she barked when the first people showed up which is expected, but i gave her marrow bone i filled + froze the day before to keep...
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    Extremely loud Howl-Bark / barking issues

    @gamerguy99 you could also try having your roommate do a couple repetitions of entering the apartment and leaving and mark and reward if/when he’s calm. my dog barks when the doorbell rings so we tried something similar to desensitize her to the sound
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    never thought i’d see the day

    @joshuawithmartin yeah definitely! we had tried to have them meet each other at the park when my boyfriend and i first started dating but it was also before my dog was prescribed anxiety meds so i think everything combined made the difference this time around
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    never thought i’d see the day

    @christiantonyb great so far! we haven’t had any issues with spots not being as described. i even did a sniffpass (their version of a membership) for one that was close to my old apartment that my dog loved and we did a lot of trick training and bonding there bc she got super comfortable and was...
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    What puzzles would y’all recommend?

    @icetiger100 we rly like the snoop! and also rolling her kibble up into an old towel and tying it into a knot keeps her occupied for a while.
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    Extremely loud Howl-Bark / barking issues

    @gamerguy99 are you home every time your roommate comes home? you can work on teaching him some sort of protocol using positive reinforcement like when your roommate comes home, your dog goes to it’s bed and if he’s calm you give him a treat?
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    never thought i’d see the day

    @typological1 thank you!! glad your pup has been doing well also!! i feel like this journey requires a lot of trust on both ends
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    never thought i’d see the day

    @sarahtoo ooh great idea! will def try with a leash on
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    never thought i’d see the day

    hi all! i’ve posted tons of times about how my dog and my boyfriend do not get along. we’ve been cohabitating fine enough since mid august but we’ve done a ton of management ie utilizing baby gates, lots of time on place, muzzle inside if she’s not on place etc. we had multiple incidents prior...
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    running on pavement

    hi all! i have a four year old cattle dog that i want to start taking for runs. she gets a daily joint supplement and i’m just starting out my running journey so it’s not like she’ll be going 0-100 since i have to build up my own endurance, but has anyone heard anything about this being a bad...
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    Sending a rescue ACD to training

    @larymac47 i would definitely advise against a board and train! it'll take time for him to fully settle into his new home and you'll likely see changes in his behavior (positive or negative) as he settles. the best thing to do now would be to start to get them into a routine and create structure...