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  1. M

    Realistically, what will a behaviorist do that my regular vet cannot?

    @fernando1999 Yes, when I asked my general vet about putting my girl on Prozac he was like “yeah I can write the script, but I suggest seeing a behavioral vet.” Its the same with humans, you can get Prozac script from a family med doc but they really aren’t specialized in accurately diagnosing...
  2. M

    Need some emotional support. It’s the morning after behavioral euthanizing my sweet Athena

    @fightingbull542 It’s such a grueling decision making process. Just know that you did right by her. May we all experience such love and kindness at our end time as you gave Athena. ❤️
  3. M

    Need some emotional support. It’s the morning after behavioral euthanizing my sweet Athena

    @fightingbull542 I am so sorry for your loss. The pain must feel immense right now. You did right by your baby and the last gift we give them is to enable them to pass in a loving and dignified way. Just as we wouldn’t accept a dog endlessly sufffering with a terrible physical illness, we give...