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  1. T

    He's found his voice...and I may need new windows

    @luciddreamer That's hilarious! I've been calling it his "WOO-WOO-WOO" bark (almost 8 months old). Every once in a while Baz will hit that high tooth-loosening (I 100% know what you mean) note, but that's usually when he's being ignored. His deeper bark is taking precedence these days. I think...
  2. T

    I have a 10Y/o Boston terrier

    @feelson SAME! My 6 y-o BC/ACD mix (A) needed TPLO surgery a few months after we got a purebred ACD pup (B). A may be a high energy mix, but he's my sweet, low key boy. B is an absolute terrorist. We are still working on getting the him to stop going after his brother's back legs. I have to get...
  3. T

    Neuter Question

    @trinity47 I've read the same especially about working dog breeds. They need their hormones to grow healthy joints and ligaments, etc. Our 100% ACD just turned 1 on 3/29. He's going for his snip in June. My older dog (BC/ACD) was fixed when we got him at 3 months old. According to his surgeon...