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    Dog Training Post Attack

    @ace111 I would use dominance loosely. But only in the context of dog to dog interactions. They’re not being dominant though. They’re trying to get their needs met. It’s ebb and flow, give and take. Compromise. It changes day to day and even moment to moment. What a dog wants one day could mean...
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    What Do I Look For In A Behsviorist:

    @earthboundmisfit929 Here’s the fear free site with info for pet owners! It is a certification program with a code of ethics that involves following the most up to date, humane and ethical methods to handle animals to ensure comfort and safety. While I would...
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    How do u train a puppy to be calm in public places

    @mfld Use food. Food can not only reward behaviors we like but it can also lower arousal levels and help bring them back into a thinking headspace.
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    Dog Training Post Attack

    @ace111 Dogs aren’t dominant. They are trying to get their needs met. Meet their needs. I’m all for boundaries and removing inappropriate choices. But you must fulfill and enrich their life in other areas or this will not get better. Gates, crates, tethers, on leash. All for it. Remove access if...
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    What Do I Look For In A Behsviorist:

    @earthboundmisfit929 Yes a vet behaviorist will have certifications and a degree. It’s hard to find a fear free vet sometimes! It’s a newer principle. The force free dog training world is changing every day. There’s plenty of entry level trainers that don’t quite know what they’re doing just...
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    Dog Training Post Attack

    @amd358 Anyways lmao.
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    Question for balanced trainers/trainers who use aversives in their training plan - I have a couple questions! —A +R trainer

    @annaliseh Forgive me, I am at work. I don’t have time to go searching and like I said I don’t have WiFi at home right now so I can’t do searching. I’ll see what I can do. Personally I don’t immerse myself in the camp of people who hunt game, because it’s hard to find +R amongst the majority...
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    Dog Training Post Attack

    @1s4b3ll4 Like i said. I agree the dog needs to learn how to access things appropriately. All I’m suggesting is a shift in language. I prefer not to say “earn” or “work” for things. I prefer to say teach the dog how to ask for things. Teach them start button behaviors. Using deprivation is not...
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    Dog Training Post Attack

    @amd358 We have to be careful and specific about our language. Making the dog earn affection for example is gross. It’s one thing to encourage calmness before patting by slowing your energy and teaching them an alternative behavior. It’s another to say we are making the dog earn it. That’s just...
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    Dog Training Post Attack

    @amd358 Haven’t met many trainers who don’t follow dominance theory make dogs work for every resource. Plenty in life is free vs nothing in life is free.
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    Question for balanced trainers/trainers who use aversives in their training plan - I have a couple questions! —A +R trainer

    @annaliseh Those sent just photos, they’re videos too, of these dogs performing the concepts you’re asking for. But, like I said, this isn’t totally my scope. Here’s one account I follow, I’m like 98% sure they train using +R, I haven’t seen any discussion or anything about e collars in the...
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    Dog Training Post Attack

    @rdmarita Find a new trainer and find a certified vet behaviorist. This is serious. Any trainer saying the dog needs to earn things is a dominance trainer and should be avoided. That strong of an attack is grounds for this dogs quality of life to be considered. At best this dog will be heavily...
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    Question for balanced trainers/trainers who use aversives in their training plan - I have a couple questions! —A +R trainer

    @annaliseh That’s my next endeavor! While I haven’t fully immersed myself in the bird dog world, I do know of some +R trainers that do!!
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    What proportion of balanced trainers use bonkers?

    @notbybreadalone It just sounds like your dog doesn’t do well with corrections if he tries to fight them.
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    What proportion of balanced trainers use bonkers?

    @notbybreadalone That’s because e collars and prongs further stimulate the sympathetic nervous system. They should not be used for reactivity. Even says it in the instructions for the tools. Yikes.
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    Help!! Dog snapped at my son

    @cristian1980 You will have to heavily manage the dog and keep him away from the baby. He needs his own space. Definitely find a certified professional. For now here’s a trainer that specializes in dogs and babies, there should be some good resources here for...
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    Question for balanced trainers/trainers who use aversives in their training plan - I have a couple questions! —A +R trainer

    We had a great discussion last week on my last post! I answered tons of questions and it was super fun to read all the responses! I don’t have service at my new place yet, so forgive me if I’ve missed your comment. I plan to go back and respond to more when I can. I had left these questions...
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    In the wiki it states that prong collars, e collars, and chokes can cause intimidation. Is a slip lead a “choke”?

    @brothersnook It depends how you use it in my opinion. I don’t think a slip is inherently punishing like a prong or e collar is. You can use a slip gently without putting pressure on the dog and without using it as a corrective device. They sell slips with two locks on it so it can’t choke the dog.
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    Using a leash to check a dogs commitment to a position

    @kpd I think it depends on how it’s taught. I can see it being taught with +R and successive approximations which would help the dog understand easier without risk of fallout. I can also see it being taught with negative reinforcement/positive punishment which can get a little tricky. Adding...
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    What’s this subs take on this video?

    @charles72 Food fluency needs to be taught and thoroughly practiced before you can use it in distracting environments! Take the course, you won’t regret it!