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  1. M

    My dog lunged at a jogger - What could I have done differently?

    @lonnie159 My dog sometimes lunges at joggers even if we have a good distance away from them. Scatter feeds are really helpful for us. We just got some sample freeze dried treats from a neighbor and I literally just used them to sprinkle in the grass so he was busy while the joggers did their...
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    So I went to the Stop Dog Daddy Protest in Sac…

    tldr; I went to a protest for regulation in the dog training industry + trying to warn people about Dog Daddy …and I wanted to debrief for folks who’d understand what a mentally exhausting day it was. I’m not sure if anyone here’s been following the Stop Dog Daddy movement launched by Zak...
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    help please with my student dog

    @gtthareborn How scary! Separate these dogs immediately with 2 barriers at all times (crate + closed door, baby gate + close door, baby gate + tether, etc). Grabbing, holding and shaking another dog by the neck is extremely concerning. She very well could’ve gone for the kill. Check...
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    Dog bit 2 people. What do I do?

    @hosee The good news is there’s predictability to the biting incidents: in or near the property. The bad news is your dog will get closer to the scary thing to make it go away via biting and 2 of the bites resulted in hospital trips. It could very well result in more serious bites but no one can...
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    Dog won’t stop barking at my roommate, started being more aggressive

    @theendwasin70ad Crate training is awesome! If there is a safety concern for your roommates this will be the best option. Good question- When anti-bark devices work (decreasing a behavior) it is because the sound or sensation is unpleasant. They suppress behaviors while neglecting to fulfill a...
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    @sebrinarinas First and foremost, this is a young dog who probably doesn’t understand the human world. Please remember she doesn’t speak our language or understand what is okay and not okay. Management is best to decrease rehearsals - put away items she’ll steal or crate/pen her when she’s...
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    My (22,F) very aggressive dog (1.5 y.o. Labrador mix, M) has bitten me several times and it breaks my heart

    @prayer_warriorinprogress This has nothing to do with dominance. He is most likely responding to what you’re doing in that moment such as petting him while sleeping (and if the response is a bite, that’s the ultimate way for a dog to say, “Back off”). Professional help will be your best...
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    Dog won’t stop barking at my roommate, started being more aggressive

    @theendwasin70ad Head over to r/reactivedogs since there’s a mix of info here, some that’s not in accordance to the sub’s rules. I’d strongly caution against anti-bark devices and the YouTube trainers mentioned in a comment. Look into a trainer with certifications like KPA or CPDT.
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    Dog randomly stops on walks

    @danno2015 So cool you’re moving away from balanced training when it didn’t work out for you guys. I was in a similar situation with my pup in terms of the freezing when we were making the switch. What you did by relieving the social pressure is exactly what helped me and my dog. No eye...
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    Sell me on B.A.T for my bossy, reactive, enthusiastic dog

    @joosten0603 Susan Garrett is awesome! I hope I’m understanding your questions, and please set me straight if I didn’t answer them…. From what I’ve learned, it’s ideal to get the leash skills and relationship building (which it sounds like you’re already doing) underway first either at home...
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    Sell me on B.A.T for my bossy, reactive, enthusiastic dog

    @joosten0603 BAT’s awesome! You’re using distance as the primary reinforcer, which makes sense because it takes care of the dog’s social needs whereas food doesn’t fulfill that need. As your dog makes more and more “good” decisions, he should be able to facilitate interactions better on regular...
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    Please Help!!

    @earthbear 6 young beagles is…ambitious. I grew up with rescue beagles but we only had 3 at a time (in addition to other breeds). Were these from a breeder or rescue? For basic training Kikopup and Susan Garrett on YouTube are a good start. Keep training sessions super short-like 1-5 mins...
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    Please Help!!

    @earthbear r/dogtraining has a bunch of resources you can look through in their info/wiki section. I’m curious how you ended up with 6 beagles?
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    Trainer wants to use prong/e-collar on my dog

    @catherinenosleep Like the other commenter said, find another trainer. It’s not cool that they cut you off and told you everything you’re doing is wrong when the advice they’re trying to give is harmful. No trainer should make you cry or feel awful. You’re doing the right things and are most...
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    Thoughts on upstate academy method?

    @muin496 Gotcha! Do you have a yard by any chance? I’d consider cutting down walks for now (maybe 1 or 2 longer ones) and focusing a little more on enrichment activities at home so she’s not practicing the unwanted behaviors. Also cautioning leashed greetings, even if the other dog guardian...
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    Thoughts on upstate academy method?

    @muin496 Awesome thanks for all the info!! When you do introduce the new food, I’d suggest being super enthusiastic during training and hopefully the excitement will stick for both of you🤞🏼. Love the chicken, cheese, whip cream! For my pup, I use True Chews (variety of flavors) and FreshPet that...
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    Thoughts on upstate academy method?

    @muin496 I used to follow some of this trainer’s advice- fucking awful and it seriously hurt my relationship with my dog. Food- what have you tried? What is your typical feeding routine? Also worth noting that sometimes it takes a bit to train a dog to take food outside the home.
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    What’s this subs take on this video?

    @charles72 It’s a good thing you asked before you tried! Grisha Stewart is the creator of BAT. This is her website, here’s her YouTube although it is a bit sparse, and the ebook
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    Nipping/biting to snapping at the air... is this an improvement?

    @confused_guy Your frustration is totally valid! Makes sense that he gets chompy with the backyard work and when he’s tired or wanting attention. It’s awesome that he is getting good rest each day too. Have you tried something like a herding ball or flirt pole to get the physical energy out...