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  1. M

    Dog granny of 4 and I’m losing it … HELP !

    @walterm%C3%BCller Haha- glad I could help even if just a bit. Personally I wouldn’t worry about the cats, most are vaccinated and get flea treatments (unless your neighbors are kinda scummy- but even then pretty unlikely to infect your pups with anything). The benefit of getting the puppies...
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    Dog granny of 4 and I’m losing it … HELP !

    @walterm%C3%BCller Can they go outside? We foster puppies and I take them outside to play & potty every few hours. They pick up potty training pretty quick this way. Also I usually put a sheet protector down as the base for their pen, then use many layers of old towels (then just pull top...
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    Dog granny of 4 and I’m losing it … HELP !

    @jordan_cg Agree with this and good points on going directly outside in the morning & then going out at frequent intervals. It also helps to act like they performed a miracle when they potty outside- tons of verbal praise etc.
  4. M

    Fosters claim issues I’m not seeing

    @caelesto Wow- that is awesome to hear!! Thanks for following up, it’s always nice to hear how things actually turn out! 😊
  5. M

    Fosters claim issues I’m not seeing

    @1s4b3ll4 Agree and it sounds like OP has a pretty solid foundation on dog training/leadership. We have a dog who was surrendered for ‘barking too much’ (he very rarely barks with us). Rooting for OP and their new pup!