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  1. M

    So do y’all have treats on you basically 24/7?

    @tomlobur My current dog came to me as 'highly motivated for treats'. And I got a printed list of 'high reward treats'. She now behaves for me with out treats. Typing on a phone sucks. I am not writing out a bunch by phone. I can write lots by computer. I did in answer to another...
  2. M

    So do y’all have treats on you basically 24/7?

    @procakes223 I am not a fan of treats for training. But, I give my dogs treats all the time. I will use treats in the first few weeks after taking in a new rescue. Then I stop using them for training. The treats are mostly to have the dog bond with me. I feed them by hand. I want my...
  3. M

    How to handle euthanizing a dog while having another dog?

    @joshl87 Dogs pick up things through scent. So do horses. My experience is with horses. When a horse was put down we would take it around the corner and out of sight. The vet would to it out of sight. Then we would let the other horses come visit one at a time. Once there was a lame...
  4. M

    Why does my dog lay on me

    @vigilantrogue That is how dogs are with their best buddies. Just look at how puppies sleep. All over each other.