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  1. F

    What are some toys that your dogs DONT destroy???

    @willy_b Mine also loves this one, but he is a herding breed...
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    What are some toys that your dogs DONT destroy???

    @willy_b I usually just buy random ones from Walmart or chewy :) this is one I’ve found that is really durable-...
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    What are some toys that your dogs DONT destroy???

    @willy_b Anything like a stuffed animal or rope he rips apart. Even tennis balls he will rip the fuzz off. Anything rubber is safe
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    Would love to show y’all my cattle dog pup but can’t figure out how to post pics!! Someone help!

    @alannasteph When you go to make a post, choose “image” instead of text, and pick a photo from your phones library
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    Puppy sick, reassurance please?

    @mn_of_stl Maybe try adding some water to the chicken and rice mixture if she will eat it
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    Puppy sick, reassurance please?

    @mn_of_stl Mine got sick when he was a pup. Throwing up, diarrhea, lethargic, sounds like yours. I took him to the ER vet and they just gave him fluids cuz he was dehydrated. Told me to give him chicken and rice. He was better in a day or two. I paid $300 for them to tell me he had an upset...
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    What are your dogs' nicknames?

    @cubcadetlover Same!!! Hahaha when we first got into the car after picking him up Iggy Pop was on the radio and we thought it was very fitting
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    What are your dogs' nicknames?

    @cubcadetlover Hey how cool is that ! Team Iggy
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    What are your dogs' nicknames?

    @calicoder2 His name is Iggy. Ig, Iggy the piggy, Iggy the baby, sweet potatey, lil Ig, sweet baby ray, asshole lol.